iSS Blog 14
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How to grow your audience with Creator Mode

Turn on CREATOR MODE right now!

That is…if you want to expand your reach and the impact of your LinkedIn content.

How to grow your audience with CREATOR MODE

This LinkedIn feature helps you boost the reach of your marketing strategy.

With Creator Mode TURNED ON, your LinkedIn profile will be optimized and this makes your posts more visible. You will also gain deeper insight into your audience and how they engage with your content.

So swipe on for a step-by-step guide on how to use Creator Mode! 

1. Turn it on

Click on the Me icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage and then on View Profile

Scroll down to Resources and click on the button that says Creator Mode: Off to activate it.

After you see a preview of what Creator Mode will look like in your profile, click Next

Then, add hashtags related to your content. You can choose up to five topics. 

Click Turn On.

2. Extend your reach

With Creator Mode, your main profile action button switches from Connect to Follow, which makes it easier for people to follow your content without you having to approve the connection first.

Besides including five hashtags to your profile, you can add a 30-second video in addition to your profile picture. This is a wonderful way to visually connect with your audience.  

3. Upgrade your content strategy

LinkedIn Live and LinkedIn Newsletters are specific Creator Mode features that can help you amplify both your reach and your engagement. A LinkedIn newsletter is a great way to showcase your brand’s values and develop thought leadership. With LinkedIn Live you can easily demonstrate your expertise and deepen relationships.

4. Leverage the analytics

With Creator Mode comes the access to Creator Analytics – a separate tool from LinkedIn Page analytics. Creator Analytics provides you data regarding the combined performance of your posts over time along with follower growth and demographic breakdowns. 

Creator Mode is an incredible asset for brands and businesses to increase the impact of their thought leadership. Consider putting it to use especially with your C-suite and key employees. 

#HolisticMarketing #DynamicLeaders

iSellSocial 🔸 Holistic Marketing Agency

Eager to supercharge your social media marketing with strategies that reflect your authentic voice? Follow iSellSocial on LinkedIn for refined insights. And be sure to follow Ivonne Ribeiro for a behind-the-scenes glimpse and more expert tips.

If you’re ready to take the next step towards a results-driven strategy, let’s talk!

Schedule a call: 🗓️

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