Drive growth by putting personalization at the center of your marketing
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Drive growth by putting personalization at the center of your marketing

How do you reach more of the RIGHT PEOPLE while streamlining your marketing efforts? 👉 PERSONALIZATION 👈 Read on to learn how this data-collecting strategy helps you connect with target audiences and existing customers. It’s time to get personal. How to boost your business by embracing personalization in your marketing efforts. Personalization isn’t just a…

A Guide to Ethical Email Marketing Practices
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A Guide to Ethical Email Marketing Practices

Wouldn’t it be great if everyone simply did what’s right? Sometimes people make mistakes because they’re not aware of the rules.  After reviewing this carousel post, everyone will understand what’s acceptable and what’s not under the CAN-SPAM Act. In an age where consumers are increasingly discerning and values-driven, embracing ethical marketing practices isn’t just a…

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Can ageism be a catalyst for career reinvention? It sure was in my case.  And I have since met others who flipped the script on ageism and harnessed it to unleash creativity and entrepreneurship. 🚨 This is a positive spin on a very negative topic. But we can’t forget how damaging ageism really is, especially…

Fast-Track Your Social Media Marketing Efforts With In-Person Events
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Fast-Track Your Social Media Marketing Efforts With In-Person Events

Get your notepad out. We’re about to give you 10 ways to boost your offline experience by leveraging your online presence.  Industry events have always been an excellent way to network and spread the word about brands and services, especially for small businesses. And, for some time, we thought these gatherings would become a thing…

10 Reasons to Turn Your Camera On During Business Meetings
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10 Reasons to Turn Your Camera On During Business Meetings

Have virtual meetings become the norm in your business too? We’re a boutique social media marketing agency with an international presence, so Zoom meetings are our natural hang.  Yet every so often, we meet prospective clients or contractors who choose to keep their cameras off during our calls.  And honestly, that is so frustrating. Although…